Statement of the disposition

 of some of the bodies of deceased Union soldiers and prisoners of war whose remains have been removed to national cemeteries in the southern and western states.

A few years ago I came across a book, a report actually, from the United States Army Quartermaster\’s Department, published in 1868.  Not of interest to just everyone, the report detailed the removal of graves of Union soldiers in Southern states to National Cemeteries.  I was excited to find Nashville\’s National Cemetery in the book and a listing of almost 16,000 graves that had been moved there.  The graves were found in locales all over middle Tennessee and southern Kentucky.  On Mrs. Goodall\’s farm, near Carthage, Tenn, 17 graves were discovered and moved. There were 26 graves on Mr. McGavock\’s farm in Edgefield.  Eighty-five hundred graves were moved from United States burial grounds, near Nashville\’s City Cemetery and other locations around the city.  More than 3,000 graves were moved from within Nashville\’s City Cemetery.  I have been through the list many times and seem to discover some new bit of information each time.  

Click below to view the database.  

Database of removals to Nashville National Cemetery – Oct. 1867 to Jan. 1868 

 I created the database by taking information from a book but I limited it to Nashville National Cemetery. You can find the book online –
You can also search for the book title to find other editions of the book online.

Do you know about google books and other online book sources?  I have been able to increase the size of my personal library tenfold with these books.  The only cost was a little time and some creative searching.  Many are available for download.  Some are rare, some very old, and some are illustrated.  The books that are available to read online, are usually old enough to have become public domain.  

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